Alianta Renault-Nissan si Ministerul Industriei si al Tehnologiei Informatiei din China a confirmat in mod oficial planurile sale pentru dezvoltarea unei retele de statii de incarcare e vehiculele electrice. Guvernul chinez va lansa acest program pentru inceput in 13 orase iar Nissan va furniza vehiculele electrice. Primul oras ce se va bucura de un aer mai curat va fi Wuhan. China este recunoscuta pentru orasele sale supraglomerate in care poluarea a atins cote alarmante.
Initiative de acest gen mai sunt promovate in tari precum: Israel, Danemarca, Portugalia, Monaco, in anumite regiuni din SUA precum si in Japonia.
Comunicatul de presa (in limba engleza)
Renault-Nissan Alliance Partners with Ministry of Industry and Information Technology of China for Zero-Emission Mobility
─ Wuhan to become first pilot city ─
Beijing (April 10, 2009) – The Renault-Nissan Alliance (the Alliance) today announced a partnership with the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology of China (MIIT) for Zero-Emission Mobility, a first step in bringing Zero Emission Vehicles (ZEVs) to China.
The Chinese government has launched a pilot program of new energy vehicles to be rolled out to the public transport sector in 13 cities. Nissan will provide MIIT with electric vehicle (EV) information and propose a comprehensive plan, including a blueprint for a battery-charging network and programs for mass marketing EVs. Nissan also partnerships with Wuhan municipal government as the first pilot city for zero emission mobility for further development of planning after the MOU (Memorandum of Understanding) signed today.
„Nissan believes that zero emissions are the ultimate direction for alternative energy vehicles,” said Toshiyuki Shiga, chief operating officer of Nissan. „We are establishing innovative partnerships with governments, cities and agencies to promote EVs worldwide, and in China we will work closely with our local partners to develop the EV market.”
The Renault-Nissan Alliance, which aims to be the global leader in zero-emission mobility, will bring electric vehicles to China in early 2011, making China one of the first countries to be supplied with electric vehicles from the Alliance. In 2012, Nissan and Renault will mass-market electric vehicles globally.
The Renault-Nissan Alliance has already started zero emission initiatives in Israel, Denmark, Portugal, the Principality of Monaco, as well as the US States of Tennessee and Oregon and Sonoma County in northern California and in Japan with the Prefecture of Kanagawa and the City of Yokohama. The Alliance has also partnered with the French utility company EDF and the Swiss electric utility company Energie Ouest Suisse (EOS).