Renault a prezentat la Paris primul autovehicul utilitar electric electric. Automobilul denumit „Kangoo be bop Z.E” este propulsat de un motor electric de 44KW (60 de cai putere) alimentat la un set de acumulatori litiu-ion de 15kWh. Acumulatorii sunt fabricati de compania AESC (Automotive Electric Supply Corporation), un joint-venture intre Nissan si NEC.
Consumul de nergie electrica a fost redus la minim prin utilizarea LED-urilor in locul clasicelor becuri atat pentru stopuri cat si pentru faruri.
Automobilul beneficiaza de o aerodinamica imbunatatita comparativ cu modelul de serie si nu dispune de o cutie de viteze in adevaratul sens al cuvantului. Viteza creste progresiv odata cu cresterea cantitatii de energie electrica livrata motorului. Autonomia totala este de 100 de kilometri insa se asteapta ca versiunea de strada ce va aparea pe piata in anul 2011 sa poata parcurge 160 de kilometri.
Comunicatul de presa Renault (in limba engleza)
• Renault profited from the Annual General Meeting of its shareholders today in Paris, France, to take the wraps off its new prototype electric vehicle, Kangoo be bop Z.E.. The technology featured on this vehicle is very similar to that featured on the brand’s upcoming production electric vehicles which are currently under development.
• In July, Kangoo be bop Z.E. will embark on a Europe-wide tour during which it will be available for test drives.
• The mass marketing of affordable Renault electric vehicles will begin in 2011.
• The Renault-Nissan Alliance is targeting to become the leading producer of mass- market zero emission vehicles.
Specific, functional styling Kangoo be bop Z.E. is derived from the production Kangoo be bop and is instantly recognizable by its Energy Blue body colour, while the Renault logos on the grille and wheels are picked out in satin-finish blue-hued chrome. Inside, the satin-finish chrome and metallic acidic green trim ensure a unique ambience which is further expressed by the specific grey velour upholstery and embroidered ‘printed circuit’ motifs. Like the Z.E. Concept concept car which was unveiled at the 2008 Paris Motor Show, Kangoo be bop Z.E. is equipped with low-energy LED (light-emitting diodes) front and rear lighting with a view to optimizing energy use. Meanwhile, the car’s aerodynamics have been significantly reworked in order to reduce energy consumption. Kangoo be bop Z.E. sits on 18-inch full disc wheels, and its ground clearance has been lowered by 20mm compared with that of the production Kangoo be bop. Linear displays on the outside of Kangoo be bop Z.E.’s doors show how much charge is left in the battery by simply activating the remote central locking control. Inside, another gauge to the left of the instrument panel provides the driver with a permanent indication of how much battery charge remains.