Americanii au posibilitatea sa treaca insetatele motoare Ford V8 cu capacitatea de 5.7 litri pe GPL in speranta ca in acest fel costurile de exploatare vor fi reduse iar nivelul de poluare mai scazut.
California Air Resources Board (CARB) si-a dat acordul pentru montarea instalatiilor GPL pe modelele Ford F-250 si F-350 de compania ROUSH. Pentru viitor planurile companiei includ posibilitatea de a converti orice model din seria E de la Ford pe GPL. Ford E-450, spre exemplu, are un motor V10 pe benzina cu capacitatea de 6.8 litri si reprezinta o reala problema pentru proprietarii ce se confrunta cu o crestere constanta a pretului carburantilor.
Camionetele Ford F-250 and F-350 sunt recunoscute pentru dimensiunile exagerate precum si pentru consumul irational de combustibil.
Comunicatul de presa (in limba engleza) poate fi citit mai jos:
LIVONIA, Mich. (March 3, 2010) – The California Air Resources Board (CARB) has granted certification approval for the ROUSH® propane-powered Ford F-250 and F-350 pickups; this means these alternative fuel vehicles meet the strict emission standards of that state and can now be sold and operated in all 50 states.
CARB is the „clean air agency” in the state and has the stated goals of improving the air quality and reducing the public’s exposure to air contaminants. Currently, California is the only state with such a regulatory agency, but several others follow the CARB guidelines (including Connecticut, Maine, Massachusetts, Oregon, Rhode Island, Vermont and New York).
With CARB-approval in hand, ROUSH is now allowed to sell ROUSH-built propane-powered Ford F-250 & F-350 trucks in all 50 states. This is valid for the 2010 Ford F-250 and F-350 models with the 5.4L V8 engine. ROUSH is currently working towards receiving this same CARB certification for the upcoming 2011 propane-powered Ford E-150, E-250 and E-350 passenger and cargo vans launching in the second quarter of 2010.
„We have made a significant investment in our liquid-propane injection technology, and we look forward to helping fleet operators across the country reduce their carbon footprint and operating costs with our propane-powered vehicles. We have more than two hundred 2010 Ford F-250s and F-350s in our inventory, so we have plenty of trucks available to meet customer demand,” said Todd Mouw, director of sales & marketing for ROUSH Propane Vehicles.
Future ROUSH plans include converting the Ford E-Series vans to run on propane, as well as the Ford E-450 cutaway with the 6.8L V10 engine. Complete details on the ROUSH propane offerings can be found online at or by calling 800-59-ROUSH.
As an alternative fuel, propane offers a variety of advantages. It is available „right here, right now” with a national infrastructure already in place. Propane burns cleaner, with up to 20 percent less nitrogen oxide, up to 60 percent less carbon monoxide and fewer particulate emissions. It is already the third most widely used fuel worldwide, following gasoline and diesel. Propane is 90 percent domestically produced, and as an alternate fuel, the purchase of propane-powered vehicles are eligible for a variety of federal, state, and municipal tax credits or rebates.
Based in Livonia, Mich., „The Art of Performance Engineering” takes place at ROUSH Performance. To get a look behind the scenes at what goes on at ROUSH and how the vehicles are designed, manufactured and produced logon to For more information see your local ROUSH® dealer, visit or telephone toll-free (800) 59-ROUSH. Follow us on Twitter @_ROUSH_ or on Facebook at