Courb C-ZEN electric

Salonul auto de la Geneva a reprezentat momentul oportun pentru prezentarea unor automobile electrice mai putin obisnuite. Courb a prezentat conceptul electric C-ZEN, un automobil destinat tinerilor, alimentat de un grup de acumulatori litiu-fier-magneziu-fosfat (LiFeMgPO4), fabricati de Valence. Modelul are o autonomie de 205 kilometri si poate atinge o viteza maxima de 110 km/h, posibila datorita unui motor electric de 15KW.
Automobilele electrice pot fi o solutie pentru mediul urban insa costurile sunt prohibitive. Despre C-ZEN se stiu putine lucruri din acest punct de vedere insa in mod clar nu va fi deloc ieftin. In Bucuresti multi tineri, si nu numai, conduc automobile de 50cc care nu au o viteza constructiva mai mare de 50km/h. Alimentarea acestor masinute de oras ar putea fi pur electrica dat fiind ca un motor electric de 4KW ar fi suficient.

Courb C-ZEN electric
Courb C-ZEN electric

Comunicatul de presa poate fi citit mai jos:
Valence Batteries to Power C-ZEN Electric Car
AUSTIN, Texas–Valence Technology, Inc. (NASDAQ: VLNC), a leading U.S. based global manufacturer of advanced energy storage solutions, announced today it will supply the lithium phosphate batteries for a new electric vehicle designed by Courb. Valence will join Courb at the official launch of their C-ZEN vehicle at the Geneva Motor Show.
„Valence has been an indispensable technical partner these past two years and their energy efficient, pollution-free batteries are a critical component in the C-ZEN. In addition, Valence’s service and technical expertise have been world-class.”
A revolutionary design for a passenger vehicle, the C-ZEN can be legally driven in many European countries and is targeted at urban commuters, particularly the younger generation of drivers. The all-electric vehicle has been designed from the ground up to utilize Valence’s patented lithium phosphate batteries. The C-ZEN has a range of up to 205 kilometers (125 miles) with a top speed of 110 km/hour (68 mph) and is powered by a 15kW electric motor.
„Valence has been supporting and developing the on-board electrical power system for this innovative vehicle over the past two years. We believe Courb’s leadership and technical team possess the true innovative spirit necessary to make their electric vehicle a winner in this developing field. We are very pleased to be a key partner with Courb and look forward to powering their vehicles for many years to come,” stated Valence president and chief executive officer Robert L. Kanode.
Hervé Arnaud, CEO of Courb, said, „Valence has been an indispensable technical partner these past two years and their energy efficient, pollution-free batteries are a critical component in the C-ZEN. In addition, Valence’s service and technical expertise have been world-class.”
About Valence Technology, Inc.
Valence Technology is a global leader in the development and manufacture of safe, long-life lithium iron magnesium phosphate advanced energy storage solutions and integrated command and control logic. Headquartered in Austin, Texas, Valence enables and powers some of the world’s most innovative and environmentally friendly applications, ranging from commercial electric vehicles to industrial and marine equipment. Valence Technology today offers a proven technology and manufacturing infrastructure that delivers ISO-certified products and processes that are protected by an extensive global patent portfolio. In addition to the corporate headquarters in Texas, Valence Technology has its Research & Development Center in Nevada, its Europe/Asia Pacific Sales office in Northern Ireland and global fulfillment centers in North America and Europe. Valence Technology is traded on the NASDAQ Capital Market under the ticker symbol „VLNC.” For more information, visit

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