Americanii vor economisi cu automobilele eficiente

Automobilele eficiente vor aduce americanilor în anul 2030 economii de aproximativ 68 de miliarde de dolari.
Studiul Natural Resources Defense Council (NRDC) spune că fiecare vehicul va aduce economii de 4.400 de dolari pe întreaga lui durată de viață. În momentul de față sunt 57 de modele eficiente care se vând în Statele Unite ale Americii. În anul 2009 numai 29 de modele auto se încadrau în această categorie.
Standardele Corporate Average Fuel Economy (CAFE) stabilite de administrația Obama își propun ca în anul 2025 un automobil să consume în medie 5.9 litri la 100 de kilometri.
Institutul de Cercetare în Transporturi al Universității din Michigan a raportat pentru luna martie un adevărat record de vânzări pentru automobilele economice. Consumul mediu al automobilelor vândute în martie 2012 a fost de numai 9.8 litri la 100 kilometri.

Chevrolet Volt
Chevrolet Volt

[showhide]Comunicatul de presă publicat de Natural Resources Defense Council (NRDC) (în limba engleză)
NRDC Report: DriversTo Save $68 Billion by 2030 Under 54.5 MPG Standard
NRDC Ranks Top 20 States for Most Consumer Benefits: TX, CA, FL, NY, NC, GA, VA, PA, TN, AZ, IL, OH, WA, MD, MI, NJ, AL, KY, MO, MN
WASHINGTON, D.C. (April 19, 2012) – Drivers will save $68 billion in fuel costs when the Obama administration’s 54.5 miles-per-gallon standard is fully implemented in 2030, according to a report released today by the Natural Resources Defense Council.
Drivers in Texas, California and Florida will save the most in 2030 according to „Relieving Pain at the Pump.”
But motorists everywhere right now can find relief from $4-a-gallon gas prices on the showroom floor. New 2012 models contain substantially more fuel-efficient choices as automakers begin to fulfill requirements under the administration’s original 2009 clean cars agreement to raise standards to 35.5 mpg by 2016.
„Drivers today have twice the fuel-efficient car options than just three years ago. The technology –and fuel savings– are only going to improve thanks to even stronger efficiency standards,” said Luke Tonachel, senior vehicles analyst at the Natural Resources Defense Council. „As consumers look to trade in older cars over time, they will have the latest in fuel saving technology available to them, putting money back in their pockets.”
The 54.5 mpg by 2025 standard, set to be finalized in August, will double today’s average level of fuel efficiency. This will save individual drivers $4400 over the life of the vehicle, after considering the cost of the fuel saving technologies. NRDC quantified savings in all states in 2030, giving the more efficient vehicles a chance to penetrate the roadways.
The top 20 states where drivers would save the most from the 54.5 mpg fuel efficiency standards are listed at the bottom of this release.
The NRDC analysis also found there are 57 fuel-efficient models available in showrooms today, rising from 27 models in 2009. Automakers have introduced a plethora of fuel-saving features in some of the more popular, conventional gas-powered cars as a result of the 35.5 mpg standard. This gives consumers fuel-saving vehicle options in addition to buying a hybrid or electric vehicle.
„This study should put to rest any notion that drivers have to sacrifice anything for to get more miles to the gallon,” said Alan Baum, principle with Baum and Associates who contributed to the analysis. „From pickups to SUVs to minivans to cars, automakers are squeezing more out of vehicles with conventional gasoline engines than ever before. The internal combustion engine is far from dead; it’s just going through a major makeover. ”
The report can be found online here
Luke has more details about the report in his blog here:
The top 20 states where drivers would save the most from the 54.5 mpg fuel efficiency standards are:
1) Texas $7.750 billion
2)California $7.270 billion
3)Florida: $6.683 billion
4) New York: $2.959 billion
5)North Carolina: $2.797 billion
6) Georgia: $2.564 billion
7) Virginia: $2.179 billion
8)Pennsylvania: $2.004 billion
9)Tennessee: $1.958 billion
10)Arizona: $1.887 billion
11) Illinois $1.853 billion
12) Ohio: $1.664 billion
13) Washington: $1.547 billion
14) Maryland $1.529 billion
15) Michigan $1.520 billion
16) New Jersey: $1.452 billion
17) Alabama $1.271 billion
18) Kentucky: $1.207 billion
19) Missouri: $1.207 billion
20) Minnesota $1.162 billion
These state rankings are a net savings, reflecting the actual fuel savings at the pump and the incremental costs associated with fuel-saving technologies in the new vehicles, according to the report.
Audio from the April 19, 2012 press conference is available here:
The Natural Resources Defense Council (NRDC) is an international nonprofit environmental organization with more than 1.3 million members and online activists. Since 1970, our lawyers, scientists, and other environmental specialists have worked to protect the world’s natural resources, public health, and the environment. NRDC has offices in New York City, Washington, D.C., Los Angeles, San Francisco, Chicago, Livingston, Montana, and Beijing. Visit us at [/showhide]

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