General Motors a prezentat a doua generatie de celule de combustibil ce sunt cu 100 de kilograme mai usoare decat prima generatie montata pe modelul Chevrolet Equinox Fuel Cell. Pe langa faptul ca sunt mai usoare si au dimensiuni reduse, acestea folosesc doar jumatate din metalele pretioase utilizate la constructia primilor modele. Celulele de combustibil GM, ce vor fi disponibile pe piata din anul 2015, pot fi montate cu usurinta in locul unui motor cu patru cilindri in linie.
General Motors a investit pana acum 1.5 miliarde de dolari in dezvoltarea celulelor de combustibil si mizeaza in continuare pe aceasta forma de generare a energiei.
Automobilele viitorului ar putea fi alimentate de sisteme hibrid ce vor folosi in diverse combinatii: acumulatori, ultracondesatori, motoare electrice, sisteme de recuperare a energiei sau hidrogen. Pana la stabilirea celei mai eficiente forme de producere a energiei care sa satisfaca pretentiile publicului, marii producatorii investesc in dezvoltarea unor noi tehnologii. O noua criza a petrolului ar scurtcircuita pur si simplu vanzarile de automobile, schimbarile fiind deja perceptibile. Nimeni nu mai e dispus sa cumpere un automobil ineficient si fiecare se orienteaza catre un motor economic, eficient si puternic. De aceea masinile la mana a doua, echipate cu motoare turbodiesel a caror capacitate este cuprinsa intre 1.5 si 2 litri sunt cele mai cautate.
Mai jos aveti comunicatul de presa dat de General Motors in forma completa:
GM’s Gen 2 Fuel Cell System Cuts Size, Weight and Cost
System with 5th Generation Fuel Cell Stack Could Be Commercialized in 2015
Washington, D.C. – The second generation hydrogen fuel cell system in development by General Motors Co. is half the size, 220 pounds lighter and uses less than half the precious metal of the current generation in the Chevrolet Equinox Fuel Cell electric vehicle.
And the production intent fuel cell powertrain can be packaged under the hood in about the same space as a four-cylinder engine. It contains GM’s fifth-generation fuel cell stack, which could be commercialized in the 2015 time frame.
„The improvements the team has been able to achieve are remarkable,” said Charles Freese, executive director of GM Fuel Cell Activities. „Hardware mechanization has been dramatically simplified, which will help reduce cost, simplify manufacturing and improve durability.”
Hydrogen-powered fuel cells are a few years away from widespread commercial use because of the need for additional investment and partnership, along with expanded availability of hydrogen fueling stations.
„GM has invested more than $1.5 billion in fuel cell technology and we are committed to continuing to invest, but we no longer can go it alone,” Freese said. „As we approach a costly part of the program, we will require government and industry partnerships to install a hydrogen infrastructure and help create a customer pull for the products.”
Through Project Driveway, a demonstration fleet of more than 100 hydrogen-powered fuel cell electric Chevrolet Equinox midsize crossovers has amassed more than 1 million miles of every-day driving by ordinary citizens, celebrities and others since late 2007.
In recent weeks, a consortium of the German government and leading industrial companies has announced plans to build up to 1,000 hydrogen fueling stations by 2015, about the time several automakers expect to have hydrogen fuel cell vehicles for sale. Earlier, a group of 13 oil and gas companies in Japan announced similar plans.
” Failure to act will insure the U.S. cannot meet its long-term fuel efficiency and greenhouse gas reduction objectives,” Freese said. „We know what needs to be done. Now is the time to get started.”