F-CELL Roadster – un fel de arc in timp

Mercedes imbina intr-un proiect futurist aspectul retro al primelor automobile de la sfarsitul secolului 19 cu tehnologia avansata a celulelor de combustibil. F-CELL Roadster este un proiect conceput si creat de inginerii uzinelor Mercedes impreuna cu studentii de la diverse universitati tehnice ca un omagiu adus primului automobil creat Benz in anul 1886.
F-CELL Roadster este dirijat printr-un sistem drive-by-wire, un joystick luand locul traditionalului volan. Automobilul este propulsat de un motor electric de 1.2KW (1.63CP) alimentat de o celula de combustibil cu hidrogen. Viteza maxima atinsa este de numai 25km/h insa autonomia ajunge la 350 kilometri, la fel de mare ca a unor masini moderne pe benzina. Proiectul a fost realizat de 150 de ingineri si studenti iar design-ul simplu si constructia ce pare fragila face trimitere la primi pasi facuti in aceasta industrie.

F-CELL Roadster
F-CELL Roadster

Comunicatul de presa (in limba engleza)
In a hitherto unique project bridging various fields of profession, the trainees of Daimler AG at the Sindelfingen Mercedes-Benz plant have built a Roadster with fuel cell drive. For about a year, more than 150 trainees and dual education system students worked on the overall concept, development, assembly, and completion of the F-CELL Roadster. This project involved junior employees from the fields of automotive mechatronics, model-building, electronics, coating technology, manufacturing mechanics, product design, and interior appointments. The prime objective of the project was to integrate the topic of alternative drive systems into training with hands-on experience.
„This project impressively demonstrates that the topic of sustainable mobility has become an integral part of our vocational training,” said Human Resources Board member and Labor Relations Manager Günther Fleig. „I am delighted to see how much initiative and creativity the young people have put into this project.”
Tradition meets the future
The F-CELL Roadster uniquely combines state-of-the-art technologies with the history of vehicle construction. As an allusion to the Benz Patent Motor Car from 1886, the vehicle is fitted with large spoked wheels. Moreover, the F-CELL Roadster incorporates stylistic elements from diverse eras of automotive history, such as the carbon-fiber bucket seats with hand-stitched leather covers and the distinctively styled fiberglass front section, based on the component from the Formula One racing bolides.
The F-CELL Roadster is controlled with drive-by-wire technology, and a joystick takes the place of a conventional steering wheel. The vehicle is powered by the emission-free fuel cell system located at the rear. With a power rating of 1.2 kW the F-CELL Roadster reaches a top speed of 25 km/h and has an operating range of up to 350 km.

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